St. George Serbian Orthodox Church
Mount Pleasant, Wisconsin
Čvarkijada 2023

Tradicionalna Treća Čvarkijada
Time: Subota - Novembar 25, 2023, Početak u 2pm
Place: 6108 Braun Road, Racine, Wisconsin
Svadbarski Kupus, Čvarci, Proja, Pita Sa Sirom, Krofne!

Kad zamirišu ČVARCI!
Svi ste Dobrodošli !

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Dear brothers and sisters, dear parishioners, respected people of goodwill! Our community, the St. George Parish in Mount Pleasant-Racine, has felt a strong calling and summons in recent years to raise a suitable temple in the glory of God and in honor of our protector and patron, St. George.

We've raised
Our Goal