St. George Serbian Orthodox Church
Mount Pleasant, Wisconsin
☦ Welcome! ☦

Welcome to the Orthodox Serbian Church of Saint George the Great Martyr and Victorious.
Truly welcome are those for whom our protector and patron St. George the Great Martyr and Victorious (the champion and witness of the truth) is the defender of faith and the victor over the enemies of God and the People of God.


☦ Свети Сава ☦ St. Sava ☦

Субота 25 Јануар 2025.
Вечерња служба у 5 сати.

Saturday January 25th 2025.
Evening vesper at 5 pm.


Location: 6108 Braun Rd. Mt. Pleasant, WI 53403

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Dear brothers and sisters, dear parishioners, respected people of goodwill! Our community, the St. George Parish in Mount Pleasant-Racine, has felt a strong calling and summons in recent years to raise a suitable temple in the glory of God and in honor of our protector and patron, St. George.

We've raised
Our Goal